July 9, 2024
HPSD and Parkway-Rockwood Adult Education Uniting to Provide Free English Language Classes

May 23, 2024
Congratulations HPMS and HPHS for their success in each accomplishing recognition as a State and National School of Character. The process for this is rigorous, as it requires a l...

December 10, 2023
Amazing TURNOUT of excited children and happy parents, over 200 in attendance, at our Parents As Teachers group connection event, Donuts With Santa! Thanks to Varsity H and their s...

November 17, 2023
Mrs. Amie Branch coordinated with our wonderful partner, The Little Bit Foundation, to host outstanding presenters from World Wide Technology to share strategies and information re...

November 10, 2023
Our HPECC and ECSE team members are wonderful, creative, and caring to our children! Always making school fun and engaging! We wish everyone a HAPPY FRIDAY!

November 4, 2023
Wonderful event full of veterans, alumni, staff, students, and community members! Fantastic program, STUCO! Outstanding performances by our band and their instructor!

October 23, 2023
The 5th Annual Blake Snyder Memorial Community Coat Giveaway is at Hancock Place Elementary School on Saturday, October 28, 2023, from 10AM to 2PM or until they run out. It will b...

October 4, 2023
Fantastic Parents As Teachers Family Fun Group Connection Event!

September 30, 2023
The Craftsman Masonic Lodge 717 sponsored a MOCHIP event for families! Thanks Emil Fett for co-organizing the event with me! Huge thank you to Nikki Herman for providing wonderful...

September 21, 2023
Thanks to the Little Bit Foundation for providing 31 HPMS students and a few staff to an STL City Soccer Team game! Experience included transportation on a Coach bus, concession st...

September 11, 2023
See flyer for specifics! This is a wonderful opportunity for all ages, infants to adult, and free!

April 29, 2023
Dr. Debra Kyle is recognized as an OUTSTANDING EARLY EDUCATOR! Thanks for all of your leadership to help make our ECC and PAT programs the best!

April 28, 2023
Hancock Place is looking for the next leader of the elementary school! This is a great opportunity to be a Tiger!

April 14, 2023
At last night's BOE meeting, Mr. Cody Watt was sworn in for a three year term on the Hancock Place Board of Education. He was joined with Incumbent, Mrs. Jean Parshall who has se...

March 2, 2023
During the month of March we honor our Board of Education for the dedicated service . Thank you to the Hancock Place Board of Education for your commitment to the staff and stude...

February 10, 2023
As the celebration for National School Counseling week comes to an end, we want to take a minute to express our gratitude to our Director of School Counselor, Brandy Yarbrough and...

February 9, 2023
Hancock Elementary has 3 amazing counselors who tirelessly work to be sure we are meeting the needs of all of our students! Thank you for your dedication and your enthusiasm. Ha...

February 9, 2023
During National School Counseling Week we are recognizing our outstanding Guidance Counselors! Hancock Middle School is so lucky to have Ms. Amanda VanHorn. Ms. VanHorn is an am...

February 7, 2023
Taking time this week to celebrate and recognize the fantastic and dedicated guidance counselors in our district. Our High School is lucky to have 3 counselors that focus on acad...

February 6, 2023
The week of February 6th is National School Counseling Week. We will spend this week honoring their commitment to our students and staff. We thank our amazing school counselors f...