Congratulations HPMS and HPHS for their success in each accomplishing recognition as a State and National School of Character. The process for this is rigorous, as it requires a leader to coordinate, organize, and complete. Mr. Veldhuizen and Mr. Ferguson spearheaded these respective processes to their completion in their respective buildings. Teamwork was definitely needed and included staff, community members, parents, and students! There is a written application and then a virtual visit. The written application requires narratives about your character journey and how you implement the 11 principles of character (a narrative for each principle). You have to provide academic and discipline data, demographic data, and survey data. The virtual site visit involves 30 minute interviews with the following groups: administrators/counselors, teachers, character education committee, and parents/community members. Well deserved CONGRATULATIONS!

CONGRATULATIONS HPMS and HPHS: National Schools of Character
May 23, 2024